Rules for using the Library of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
All interested persons can use the Library’s collections on site.
Only the following users are allowed to borrow materials home:
- employees, PhD students and students of the University of Warsaw,
- holders of deposit accounts (Chapter 2, §2, point 10 of the Regulations for Accessing BUW Collections)
- holders of Karty Klubu Absolwenta UW,
- users within Reciprocal Borrowing Programme for Warsaw academic libraries (BiblioWawa)
- all libraries based on interlibrary slips.
In order to borrow from the Library of the Faculty of Physics, it is necessary to hold a valid library card issued by the University of Warsaw Library (BUW). The library account can not be blocked, charged with fines or overdue books.
The account can be activated on the Electronic Student ID (ELS), Electronic Employee ID (ELP), Electronic Academic Teacher ID (ELN), using the REGISTRATION tab on the BUW website, where the necessary regulations must be accepted.
A valid library card and the password associated with it allow:
- checking the library account,
- renewing borrowed books,
- reserving books borrowed by other readers,
- ordering books from the location „Biblioteka Wydziału Fizyki Magazyn” (closed stacks),
- accessing electronic resources on home computers.
The list of limits applicable in the Library of the Faculty of Physics can be found in Attachment 1.
The library does not loan: information publications (encyclopedias, dictionaries), reference books, most periodicals and materials printed before 1950.
Books and scientific journals from the location “Biblioteka Wydziału Fizyki Magazyn” (closed stacks) can be ordered electronically using your library account. Materials ordered in this way until 9:00 a.m. can be picked up after 10:00 a.m. Materials ordered between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. – after 2:00 p.m. on the same day.
Please check in advance whether the ordered books have the status “Available for pick-up”. They can also be borrowed on-site at the library by reporting such a need to the librarian on duty.
The library system automatically sends information about the upcoming return date three days before the return date of the books and then, three times at an interval of 10 days, information about overdue books.
Failure to meet the deadline for returning the book results in suspension of the right to borrow books and use other library services. Overdue fees are automatically charged.
The fee for late return of books is 0,40 PLN per copy, per each day after the return date – according to the following rules:
1 book | PLN 0,40/day | Maximum PLN 100 |
2 books | PLN 0,40/day/per book | Maximum PLN 150 |
3 books | PLN 0,40/day/per book | Maximum PLN 200 |
4 and more books | PLN 0,40/day/per book | Maximum PLN 300 |
Fees apply from 7 January 2025.
At the FUW library, we offer a bonus for latecomers – we do not (systemically) collect fees for late returns for two weeks from the scheduled return date. For books returned later, the fee will be charged for the entire hold period and the bonus will be forfeited.
- overdue fees can be paid right after returning the overdue books at the circulation desk (payment only by card, NFC, blik, NO CASH).
- the fees can also be paid later, at a convenient time at the circulation desk (payment only by card, NFC, blik, NO CASH). In this case, the library account remains blocked until the payment is made.
- it is also possible to make a bank transfer to the following account:
Uniwersytet Warszawski, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa
Bank Millenium SA, ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A, 02-593 Warszawa
Nr: 77 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 9264
(IBAN Code: PL 77 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 9264 ;
with a note: Biblioteka, [library account number]:…………, title: „opłata za przetrzymane książki”
Employees, PhD students and students of the Faculty of Physics of the UW can submit suggestions for the purchase of books and journals directly to the library or by using the “Request for purchase” tab on their personal library account. Suggestions made by PhD students and undergraduates without the support of a thesis supervisor or research supervisor may be reviewed by the research or teaching staff of the Faculty.
Readers may – for research and educational purposes – use the computers located in the reading rooms of the Library. Only pre-installed programmes may be used. It is forbidden to make changes to programs or to install programs downloaded from the Internet or one’s own.
Students, PhD students and employees associated with the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Medicine have access – also for research and educational purposes – to the photocopier, printer and scanner located in the library. It is preferable to make scans of the required materials. It is not allowed to print your own notes.
Individual work booths are available to Library users. The rules for the use of the booths can be found in Attachment 2.
The Faculty of Physics provides access to the PWN (Shared Thinking Space) rooms in accordance with the UW Incubator regulations (account creation required). Access cards can be picked up at the Faculty Library and their borrowing is registered on your library account (within the limits applicable in the Library of the Faculty of Physics). Any requests or problems regarding the PWN rooms can be reported directly to their administrator: Makerspace@UW.
Readers are fully financially responsible for the library materials they use. For a lost book, the reader is obliged to buy back the same title. If this is not possible, another form of compensation must be arranged with the library management.
Readers are required to notify the Library of any changes to their personal details (address, telephone, e-mail, etc.).
Outerwear and large luggage should be left in the cloakroom at the main entrance. Smaller luggage, backpacks, etc. should be left in the lockers located in the Library.
Loud talking, talking on mobile phones, eating and drinking are also not allowed in the Library – it is permitted to bring a bottle of still water into the Library.
The Library of the Faculty of Physics reserves the right – in justified cases – to shorten the borrowing period or to refuse its renewal.
Silence is obligatory in the library.
Failure to comply with the regulations will result in the loss of the right to use the Library (i.e. ban on borrowing, renewal and reserving books, ban on access to the Library’s online resources from home computers).
Since 1 October 2023, the Library of the Faculty of Physics shares the space with the Medical Library intended for students of the Faculty of Medicine with a separate circulation desk.
Different borrowing limits apply in the Medical Library: 10 books x 30 days each + 5 renewal
16.10.2023 r
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